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The Biosecurity Portal (BSP) is a jointly funded initiative between the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) to provide a centralised repository and gateway to online biosecurity information for collaboration and sharing. In essence, the BSP aims to strengthen Australia’s biosecurity research, surveillance, diagnostic and response capability, by enabling researchers, industry and governments, to collaborate, use expertise, share data, information, and generate intelligence using leading edge tools and technologies made available through the BSP’s online workspaces.

At the completion of the department’s development funding for the Biosecurity Portal there will be a self-supporting operational system (including hardware, software and maintenance) that can be marketed to researchers, industry and governments that delivers against its core purposes.

  • Collaborative workspaces and knowledge bases
  • Advanced workflow automation
  • Low cost web hosting services
  • Centralised information repositories and sharing

Fruit Fly Diagnostic Handbook v3

​​​​​The accurate identification of fruit flies is a key component of Australia's biosecurity system. Efficient skilled application of diagnostic technology underpins the domestic movement of fruit and vegetables, maintains international market access for Australian producers and protects Australia's borders from exotic pest incursion.

To assist Australia maintain market access for a large range of horticultural produce, this project is developing improved molecular diagnostics for use by Australia's plant biosecurity diagnostics network. Focusing on Bactrocera, diagnostic tools are being revised for all high-priority fruit fly species in the National Fruit Fly Strategy and their non-pest relatives including offshore and Australian endemics.

The new diagnostic protocols developed in this project are being incorporated in an updated and revised Australian Handbook for the Identification of Fruit Flies (Version 3).

The project is designed to deliver the following objectives:

  1. A suite of fruit-fly-specific, functionally relevant, species-level genetic markers for all NFFS high priority species in addition to key exotic/Australian and pest/non-pest species currently absent from existing protocols.
  2. The generation and incorporation of newly acquired genetic and behavioural data (via sexual compatibility studies) to further resolve the Qfly complex, with a specific focus on B. tryoni and B. aquilonis.
  3. Integration of new molecular diagnostics with updated morphological and behavioural data to produce a 'next generation' identification resource delivered as a revised and updated Australian Handbook for the Identification of Fruit Flies.​

This project is supported by the Plant Biosecurity CRC,

THIS SITE IS NOW CLOSED - Effective July 1, 2022


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For more information or assistance contact t​​​​he administrator of t​he Fruit Fly Diagnostic Handbook Project:​​​​​​​​