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The Biosecurity Portal (BSP) is a jointly funded initiative between the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) to provide a centralised repository and gateway to online biosecurity information for collaboration and sharing. In essence, the BSP aims to strengthen Australia’s biosecurity research, surveillance, diagnostic and response capability, by enabling researchers, industry and governments, to collaborate, use expertise, share data, information, and generate intelligence using leading edge tools and technologies made available through the BSP’s online workspaces.

At the completion of the department’s development funding for the Biosecurity Portal there will be a self-supporting operational system (including hardware, software and maintenance) that can be marketed to researchers, industry and governments that delivers against its core purposes.

  • Collaborative workspaces and knowledge bases
  • Advanced workflow automation
  • Low cost web hosting services
  • Centralised information repositories and sharing

VCC Project Development Space

In March 2014, PHA has was awarded a contract by the Commonwealth for implementing a project under the National Landcare Programme Innovation Grants initiative entitled: National Surveillance System for Weeds and Plant Pests: Virtual Coordination Centre.

The project is designed to facilitate an innovative national system capable of providing and receiving real time surveillance information on weeds and plant pests. The major two year project is designed to foster extensive cooperative interaction with a wide range of PHA members and plant biosecurity stakeholders.

The project was initiated to assist implement the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy (NPBS), a document finalised in 2010 and endorsed by all of Australia’s governments and most primary industries. The NPBS calls for the development of a nationally coordinated and targeted surveillance system that supports the early detection of new pests, reports evidence of area freedom, enhances pest incursion responses and supports the effective management of established pests (Strategy 2).

The research project is designed to deliver a Virtual Coordination Centre that can enable community groups, regional bodies, agricultural industries, and jurisdictions to contribute to, and access real time surveillance information on weeds and plant pests. By identifying and linking existing mechanisms, and promoting the establishment of new field tools, the innovation is designed to facilitate the development of an integrated, accessible and seamless national surveillance system.  

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For more information or assistance contact t​​​​he administrator of the Virtual Coordination Centre: